Make No Assumptions About Success

It was surprising to see how radically my site’s visitor statistics changed overnight. One day, LifeReboot receives 9,000 hits from 850 unique visitors. The next day, LifeReboot receives over 700,000 hits from 36,000 unique visitors. That’s just amazing. That’s incredible progress. That’s the power of the Internet.

The traffic spike occurred thanks to the social bookmarking site Digg, where people can see what’s new and popular on the Internet. It featured two of my articles on its front page, leading thousands of Digg users to my site.

July 2007 BandwidthConsequently, LifeReboot experienced a day where it received 42 times as many visitors as what I’ve come to consider “normal,” the number of LifeReboot subscribers tripled, and the earnings from advertisements jumped from five to fifty dollars. It’s quite exciting.

I’m trying to be careful though, because it is tempting to label LifeReboot a success.

It’s easy to jump to conclusions about the future of LifeReboot, and imagine that with the site earning $50 per day, it will yield $1500 per month.

It won’t — or if it will, it won’t yet. This traffic spike is an isolated event. An anomaly. One exception to the norm that shouldn’t be mistaken as a representation of every day henceforth. Success doesn’t work that w

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