Speaking in Public


Speaking in Public.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Turning Nervousness from a Negative Force into a Positive Force.

These various steps will help you to achieve turning nervousness into a positive force.

Preparation – Pick speech topics you truly care about.

Think Positively –
Confidence is mostly the well – known power of positive thinkin. if you thing you can do it, you usually can.On the other hand, if you think you can’t, that is almost how the event will turn out.

Acquire Experience – The more you learn about pulic speaking and the more speeches you give, the less threatening speech making will become. Think back to your first date, your first day at a new job. You were probably nervous in each situation because you were facing something new and unknown.


How to counter Nervousness.

The quality of questions you ask determines the answer you get. The question is how do I counter nervousness?

Rather than trying to eliminate every trace of stage fright, you should aim at transforming it from a negative force into what one expert calls postive nervousness –  “a zesty, enthusiastic, lively feeling with a sligth edge to it. It’s still nervousness, but it feels different. You’re are no longer victimized by it; instead, you’re are energized by it.


Nervousness is Normal

Most people express anxiety before doing something important in public. Politicians are nervous before a campaign speech, athletes are nervous before a big game. Those who succeed have learned the art of using their nervousness to their own advantage.

In other words, it is perfectly normal – and even deisrable to be nervous a the start of a speech. your body is responding as it would to any stressful situation – by producing extra adrenaline. This sudden shot of adrenaline is what makes your heart race, your hands shake, your knees knock and your skin perspirate. Every public speaker experiences all theise reactions to some extent.

Developing confidence in speech delivery.

One of the major concern of students in a speech class is stage fright. This issue must be faced squarely. Many people who converse smoothly in everyday situations become afraid at the idea of standing up before a group to deliver a speech.

Stage Fright: is defined as, anxiety over the prospect of giving a speech in front of an audience.

People are faced with a great number of fears in different situation and conditions as it applies.

In a recent survey I carried out I discovered that people are faced with different kinds of fears as listed below.

  • Giving a speech
  • Job interview
  • Standing up to answer a question in public
  • Conversing with someone of a higher authority

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